Test out a new blood pressure app from the University of Cambridge
Could you test out a new android app from your own home to help improve blood pressure care?
Researchers from the University of Cambridge are recruiting for a study testing out a new android app designed to aid people in taking their blood pressure medications. The research will be done over the phone so you can take part from your own home.
People who take part will receive £20 in shopping vouchers as a thank you.
Note you will need an android smartphone to take part, and you need to have been diagnosed with high blood pressure (hypertension) and/or been prescribed at least on medicine to lower your blood pressure.
Read more about the study and take a short screening survey to see if you are eligible to take part. And see the advert where you can apply. You can also download a leaflet with more information below.
You can also contact Sonia Shpendi, Research Assistant, at ss2701@medschl.cam.ac.uk with any questions.
Programme on Adherence to Medication app [DOC 157KB]