Take part in Know Your Numbers! Week 2021
Let’s make this the year of home monitoring, register to take part by the end of August
Our annual campaign to get the nation checking their blood pressure, Know Your Numbers! Week, will take place from 6-12 September 2021. We want to make this the year of home monitoring and we need your help to spread the word in your community.
We're focusing on the forgotten pandemic of high blood pressure and a golden opportunity to improve blood pressure control now and in the future. While we have all been staying at home and many of us continue to do so, and regular GP appointments have been on hold, home monitoring provides a simple solution to blood pressure management.
Home blood pressure monitoring is an effective and inexpensive way to keep blood pressure under control and the evidence behind it continues to get stronger. It gives you a way to take control of your health, feel confident and take the pressure off the NHS at the same time, as there’s no need to visit your GP, practice nurse or pharmacist in person. It puts you in the driver’s seat, and it really can save lives.
You can help this Know Your Numbers! Week
If you’re a health professional or you work with the public, you can become a Pressure Partner and promote home monitoring and offer support.
If you have high blood pressure of you’re interested in high blood pressure, you can become a Patient Ambassador and spread the word in your community.
There are many ways you can get involved and we have resources to support you. Get more information and register to take part by the end of August, and save the date!