
New research reveals salt hidden in biscuits

New research reveals salt hidden in biscuits


Research carried out by our sister charity Consensus Action on Salt and Health (CASH), found surprising levels of salt in biscuits sold in local supermarkets.

A survey of 479 sweet biscuits from the major supermarket chains found having sweet biscuits with your afternoon cup of tea, or popping a couple in your child’s packed lunch, could be adding more salt to your diet than you think. 

Blood Pressure UK joins CASH in calling for the food industry to make biscuits less salty.

  • Over 110 biscuits were as salty, or saltier than, Butterkist Salted Popcorn (0.9g per 100g)
  • Surprisingly, biscuits and other bakery treats are within the top ten contributors of salt intake in the UK diet 
  • Children eating as many as 46 packets of biscuits a year each are putting themselves at a greater risk of developing high blood pressure as adults
  • Nearly 90 per cent of biscuits receive an amber traffic light for salt, and 90 per cent are red for sugar

The full survey and results can be found on the Consensus Action on Salt and Health (CASH) website here